Saturday, August 3, 2013

UVa 10391 - Compound Words

Accepted date: 2011-10-04
Ranking (as of 2013-08-03): 275 out of 1029
Language: C++

  UVa 10391 - Compound Words

  To build using Visual Studio 2008:
    cl -EHsc -O2 compound_words.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#ifdef __ELAPSED_TIME__
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;

const int nr_words_max = 120000;
char* pwords[nr_words_max]; // pwords[i] is the i-th word string

int compare_word(const void* s, const void* t)
  return strcmp(*(const char**)s, *(const char**)t);

int main()
#ifdef __ELAPSED_TIME__
  clock_t start = clock();
  int nr_words = 0;
  size_t max_word_length = 0;
  string s;
  while (cin >> s) {
    size_t length = s.length();
    max_word_length = max(max_word_length, length);
    pwords[nr_words] = new char[length + 1];
    strcpy(pwords[nr_words], s.c_str());
  char* pw = new char[max_word_length + 2];
  for (int i = 0; i < nr_words; i++) {
    strcpy(pw + 1, pwords[i]);
    for (char *qw = pw, *rw = pw + 2; *rw; qw++, rw++) {
      *qw = *(qw + 1); *(qw + 1) = '\0'; // divide the word by inserting a '\0'
      if (bsearch(&pw, pwords, nr_words, sizeof(char*), compare_word) &&
        bsearch(&rw, pwords, nr_words, sizeof(char*), compare_word)) {
        cout << pwords[i] << endl;
#ifdef __ELAPSED_TIME__
  cerr << "elapsed time = " <<
    static_cast<double>(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " sec.\n";
  return 0;

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