Thursday, October 3, 2013

UVa 314 - Robot

Accepted date: 2013-10-03
Ranking (as of 2013-10-03): 110 out of 748
Language: C++

  UVa 314 - Robot

  To build using Visual Studio 2012:
    cl -EHsc -O2 UVa_314_Robot.cpp

#include <queue>
#include <utility>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;

enum {north, south, east, west};

struct path {
  pair<int, int> pos_;
  int dir_;
  int seconds_;

const int m_max = 50, n_max = 50;
bool store[m_max][n_max], visited[m_max][n_max][west - north + 1];

int go_forward(int m, int n, int step, const path& p, queue<path>& q)
  path np;
  switch (p.dir_) {
  case north:
    if (p.pos_.first - step - 1 < 0 ||
      store[p.pos_.first - step - 1][p.pos_.second - 1] ||
      store[p.pos_.first - step - 1][p.pos_.second])
      return -1;
    np.pos_ = make_pair(p.pos_.first - step, p.pos_.second);
  case south:
    if (p.pos_.first + step >= m ||
      store[p.pos_.first + step][p.pos_.second - 1] ||
      store[p.pos_.first + step][p.pos_.second])
      return -1;
    np.pos_ = make_pair(p.pos_.first + step, p.pos_.second);
  case east:
    if (p.pos_.second + step >= n ||
      store[p.pos_.first][p.pos_.second + step] ||
      store[p.pos_.first - 1][p.pos_.second + step])
      return -1;
    np.pos_ = make_pair(p.pos_.first, p.pos_.second + step);
    if (p.pos_.second - step - 1 < 0 ||
      store[p.pos_.first][p.pos_.second  - step - 1] ||
      store[p.pos_.first - 1][p.pos_.second - step - 1])
      return -1;
    np.pos_ = make_pair(p.pos_.first, p.pos_.second - step);
  np.dir_ = p.dir_;
  if (visited[np.pos_.first][np.pos_.second][np.dir_])
    return 0;
  np.seconds_ = p.seconds_ + 1;
  visited[np.pos_.first][np.pos_.second][np.dir_] = true;
  return 1;

bool turn(bool right, const path &p, queue<path>& q)
  path np;
  switch (p.dir_) {
  case north:
    np.dir_ = (right) ? east : west; break;
  case south:
    np.dir_ = (right) ? west : east; break;
  case east:
    np.dir_ = (right) ? south : north; break;
    np.dir_ = (right) ? north : south; break;
  if (visited[p.pos_.first][p.pos_.second][np.dir_])
    return false;
  np.pos_ = p.pos_; np.seconds_ = p.seconds_ + 1;
  visited[np.pos_.first][np.pos_.second][np.dir_] = true;
  return true;

int bfs(int m, int n, const pair<int, int>&b, const pair<int, int>&e, int dir)
  path p;
  p.pos_ = b; p.dir_ = dir; p.seconds_ = 0;
  queue<path> q;
  visited[b.first][b.second][dir] = true;
  while (!q.empty()) {
    path p = q.front(); q.pop();
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("%d %d %d, %d\n", p.pos_.first, p.pos_.second, p.dir_, p.seconds_);
    if (p.pos_ == e)
      return p.seconds_;
    turn(false, p, q); // turn left
    turn(true, p, q); // turn right
    for (int step = 1; step <= 3; step++)
      if (go_forward(m, n, step, p, q) == -1)
  return -1;

int main()
  while (true) {
    int m, n;
    scanf("%d %d", &m, &n);
    if (!m && !n)
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        visited[i][j][north] = visited[i][j][south] =
          visited[i][j][east] = visited[i][j][west] = false;
        int zeor_or_one;
        scanf("%d", &zeor_or_one);
        store[i][j] = zeor_or_one;
    pair<int, int> b, e;
    char s[8];
    scanf("%d %d %d %d %s", &b.first, &b.second, &e.first, &e.second, s);
    int dir;
    switch (s[0]) {
    case 'n':
      dir = north; break;
    case 's':
      dir = south; break;
    case 'e':
      dir = east; break;
      dir = west; break;
    printf("%d\n", bfs(m, n, b, e, dir));
  return 0;

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