Saturday, July 26, 2014

UVa 471 - Magic Numbers

Accepted date: 2014-07-26
Ranking (as of 2014-07-26): 237 out of 1017
Language: C++

  UVa 471 - Magic Numbers

  To build using Visual Studio 2012:
    cl -EHsc -O2 UVa_471_Magic_Numbers.cpp

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool is_digits_repeated(long long n)
  unsigned int digits = 0; // i-th bit is '1' if digit of i (0 - 9) exists in n
  do {
    int d = 1 << static_cast<int>(n % 10);
    if (digits & d)
      return true;
    n /= 10;
    digits |= d;
  } while (n);
  return false;

int main()
  const long long s1_max = 9876543210LL;
  int t;
  cin >> t;
  while (t--) {
    long long N;
    cin >> N;
    for (long long s2 = 1, s2_max = s1_max / N; s2 <= s2_max; s2++)
      if (!is_digits_repeated(s2)) {
        long long s1 = s2 * N;
        if (!is_digits_repeated(s1))
          cout << s1 << " / " << s2 << " = " << N << endl;
    if (t)
      cout << endl;
  return 0;

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