Sunday, March 24, 2013

UVa 10181 - 15-Puzzle Problem

Accepted date: 2012-04-30
Ranking (as of 2013-03-23): 145
Language: C++

I used A* search algorithm and for its implementation, I consulted an article of Wikipedia (*_search_algorithm).

Some inputs and the corresponding outputs:
6 2 8 4
12 14 1 10
13 15 3 9
11 0 5 7
6 8 4 2
12 14 1 10
13 15 3 9
11 0 5 7
10 1 7 12
5 8 11 2
9 4 3 6
13 14 15 0

The priority queue implementation (the functions prefixed with "pqueue" and their associated definitions, etc. that are surrounded by the below 'extern "C"' block) is based on the code from and is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license:
  Copyright 2010 Volkan Yazici
  Copyright 2006-2010 The Apache Software Foundation

  8.6.2 15-Puzzle Problem
  PC/UVa IDs: 110802/10181, Popularity: B, Success rate: average Level: 3

  To build using Visucal Studio 2008:
    cl -EHsc 15_puzzle_problem.ass.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <functional>
#include <cstdlib>
#ifdef DEBUG
#include <cassert>
#ifdef __ELAPSED_TIME__
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;

#ifdef  __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/** priority data type */
typedef int pqueue_pri_t;

/** callback functions to get/set/compare the priority of an element */
typedef pqueue_pri_t (*pqueue_get_pri_f)(void *a);
typedef void (*pqueue_set_pri_f)(void *a, pqueue_pri_t pri);
typedef int (*pqueue_cmp_pri_f)(pqueue_pri_t next, pqueue_pri_t curr);

/** callback functions to get/set the position of an element */
typedef size_t (*pqueue_get_pos_f)(void *a);
typedef void (*pqueue_set_pos_f)(void *a, size_t pos);

/** debug callback function to print a entry */
typedef void (*pqueue_print_entry_f)(FILE *out, void *a);

/** the priority queue handle */
typedef struct pqueue_t
    size_t size;
    size_t avail;
    size_t step;
    pqueue_cmp_pri_f cmppri;
    pqueue_get_pri_f getpri;
    pqueue_set_pri_f setpri;
    pqueue_get_pos_f getpos;
    pqueue_set_pos_f setpos;
    void **d;
} pqueue_t;

#define left(i)   ((i) << 1)
#define right(i)  (((i) << 1) + 1)
#define parent(i) ((i) >> 1)

pqueue_t *
pqueue_init(size_t n,
            pqueue_cmp_pri_f cmppri,
            pqueue_get_pri_f getpri,
            pqueue_set_pri_f setpri,
            pqueue_get_pos_f getpos,
            pqueue_set_pos_f setpos)
    pqueue_t *q;

    if (!(q = (pqueue_t *)malloc(sizeof(pqueue_t))))
        return NULL;

    /* Need to allocate n+1 elements since element 0 isn't used. */
    if (!(q->d = (void **)(malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(void *))))) {
        return NULL;

    q->size = 1;
    q->avail = q->step = (n+1);  /* see comment above about n+1 */
    q->cmppri = cmppri;
    q->setpri = setpri;
    q->getpri = getpri;
    q->getpos = getpos;
    q->setpos = setpos;

    return q;

pqueue_free(pqueue_t *q)

pqueue_size(pqueue_t *q)
    /* queue element 0 exists but doesn't count since it isn't used. */
    return (q->size - 1);

static void
bubble_up(pqueue_t *q, size_t i)
    size_t parent_node;
    void *moving_node = q->d[i];
    pqueue_pri_t moving_pri = q->getpri(moving_node);

    for (parent_node = parent(i);
         ((i > 1) && q->cmppri(q->getpri(q->d[parent_node]), moving_pri));
         i = parent_node, parent_node = parent(i))
        q->d[i] = q->d[parent_node];
        q->setpos(q->d[i], i);

    q->d[i] = moving_node;
    q->setpos(moving_node, i);

static size_t
maxchild(pqueue_t *q, size_t i)
    size_t child_node = left(i);

    if (child_node >= q->size)
        return 0;

    if ((child_node+1) < q->size &&
        q->cmppri(q->getpri(q->d[child_node]), q->getpri(q->d[child_node+1])))
        child_node++; /* use right child instead of left */

    return child_node;

static void
percolate_down(pqueue_t *q, size_t i)
    size_t child_node;
    void *moving_node = q->d[i];
    pqueue_pri_t moving_pri = q->getpri(moving_node);

    while ((child_node = maxchild(q, i)) &&
           q->cmppri(moving_pri, q->getpri(q->d[child_node])))
        q->d[i] = q->d[child_node];
        q->setpos(q->d[i], i);
        i = child_node;

    q->d[i] = moving_node;
    q->setpos(moving_node, i);

pqueue_insert(pqueue_t *q, void *d)
    void *tmp;
    size_t i;
    size_t newsize;

    if (!q) return 1;

    /* allocate more memory if necessary */
    if (q->size >= q->avail) {
        newsize = q->size + q->step;
        if (!(tmp = realloc(q->d, sizeof(void *) * newsize)))
            return 1;
        q->d = (void **)tmp;
        q->avail = newsize;

    /* insert item */
    i = q->size++;
    q->d[i] = d;
    bubble_up(q, i);

    return 0;

pqueue_change_priority(pqueue_t *q,
                       pqueue_pri_t new_pri,
                       void *d)
    size_t posn;
    pqueue_pri_t old_pri = q->getpri(d);

    q->setpri(d, new_pri);
    posn = q->getpos(d);
    if (q->cmppri(old_pri, new_pri))
        bubble_up(q, posn);
        percolate_down(q, posn);

void *
pqueue_pop(pqueue_t *q)
    void *head;

    if (!q || q->size == 1)
        return NULL;

    head = q->d[1];
    q->d[1] = q->d[--q->size];
    percolate_down(q, 1);

    return head;

#ifdef  __cplusplus

  unsigned long long state; // state of a puzzle

  Each state of a puzzle consists of the values stored in the 16 tiles.
  i-th tile (i >= 0) value is stored in the four consecutive bits 
  located between bit (i * 4) and bit (i * 4 + 3).

  If the missing tile is at i-th tile, possible movements are:
    moving up is possible if i > 3.
    moving down is possible if i < 12.
    moving right is possible if (i % 4) < 3.
    movign left is possible if (i % 4) != 0.

  At each step, transfer to the at most four possible states the missing 
  tile can move.

  Further Search is cancelled if it reaches either of the following condition:
    The puzzle gets solved.
    50 steps has passed.

const int nr_tiles = 16; // number of tiles
const int g_score_max = 50; // number of max. steps
const unsigned long long goal = 0x0fedcba987654321ULL;
  // the state of a puzzle when solved

  Solvability of the Tiles Game
bool is_puzzle_solvable(int tiles[])
  int ibr, nr_inversions = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < nr_tiles; i++) {
    if (!tiles[i])
      ibr = i / 4;
    else {
      for (int j = i + 1; j < nr_tiles; j++)
        if (tiles[j] && tiles[i] > tiles[j])
  return (ibr & 1) ? !(nr_inversions & 1) : (nr_inversions & 1);

int heuristic_cost_estimate(unsigned long long state)
  int heuristic_cost = 0;
  // for each tile, calcualate the Manhattan distance, i.e., 
  // the distance between the current number of the tile and 
  // the one that the tile should have
  for (int i = 0; i < nr_tiles; i++, state >>= 4) {
    int nr = static_cast<int>(state & 0xf) - 1;
    if (nr >= 0) // not the missing tile
      heuristic_cost += abs(nr / 4 - i / 4) + abs(nr % 4 - i % 4);
      heuristic_cost += (3 - i / 4) + (3 - i % 4);
  return 1.5 * heuristic_cost;

struct node
  size_t pqueue_pos_; // used internally by libpqueue
  int mi_; // index to the missing tile
  unsigned long long state_; // state of tiles
  int g_score_; // Cost from start along best known path.
  int h_score_; // heuristic_cost_estimate(start, goal)
  int f_score_; // Estimated total cost from start to goal through y.

  node() : pqueue_pos_(-1), mi_(-1), state_(-1), g_score_(-1),
    h_score_(-1), f_score_(-1) {}
  node(int mi, unsigned long long state, int g_score)
    : pqueue_pos_(-1), mi_(mi), state_(state),
    g_score_(g_score), h_score_(heuristic_cost_estimate(state)),
    f_score_(g_score_ + h_score_) {}

  static int get_distance(void* vd);
  static void set_distance(void* vd, int d);
  static int compare_distance(int next, int current);
  static size_t get_position(void* vd);
  static void set_position(void *vd, size_t position);

int node::get_distance(void* vd)
  return reinterpret_cast<node*>(vd)->f_score_;

void node::set_distance(void* vd, int d)
  reinterpret_cast<node*>(vd)->f_score_ = d;

int node::compare_distance(int next, int current)
  return current < next;

size_t node::get_position(void* vd)
  return reinterpret_cast<node*>(vd)->pqueue_pos_;

void node::set_position(void *vd, size_t position)
  reinterpret_cast<node*>(vd)->pqueue_pos_ = position;

unsigned long long exchange_tile(int i, int j, unsigned long long state)
  const unsigned long long mask = 0xfULL;
  unsigned long long nr_i = (state & mask << (i * 4)) >> (i * 4);
  unsigned long long nr_j = (state & mask << (j * 4)) >> (j * 4);
  state &= ~(mask << (i * 4)); state &= ~(mask << (j * 4));
  state |= nr_i << (j * 4); state |= nr_j << (i * 4);
  return state;

void add_or_update_node(int mi, int ti, unsigned long long current,
  int g_score, map<unsigned long long, unsigned long long>& came_from,
  pqueue_t* open_set, map<unsigned long long, node*>& in_open_set,
  map<unsigned long long, node*>& removed_from_open_set)
  node* pn = NULL;
  int tentative_g_score = g_score + 1;
  unsigned long long neighbor = exchange_tile(mi, ti, current);
    // move the missing tile

  map<unsigned long long, node*>::iterator i;
  if ((i = removed_from_open_set.find(neighbor)) != removed_from_open_set.end())
    // if neighbor has ever been in openset, but currenty it's not in openset
    pn = i->second;
    if (tentative_g_score < pn->g_score_) {
      // neighbor is added only if it has a lesser g_score than 
      // it has ever have at any previous iterations
      pn->g_score_ = tentative_g_score;
      pn->f_score_ = pn->g_score_ + pn->h_score_;
      pqueue_insert(open_set, pn); // add neighbor to openset again
      in_open_set.insert(make_pair(neighbor, pn));
      came_from[neighbor] = current;
  else if ((i = in_open_set.find(neighbor)) == in_open_set.end()) {
    // else if neighbor has never been in openset
    pn = new node(ti, neighbor, tentative_g_score);
    pqueue_insert(open_set, pn); // add neighbor to openset
    in_open_set.insert(make_pair(neighbor, pn));
    came_from[neighbor] = current;
  else { // neighbor is currently in openset
    pn = i->second;
    if (tentative_g_score < pn->g_score_) {
      pn->g_score_ = tentative_g_score;
      pn->f_score_ = pn->g_score_ + pn->h_score_;
      pqueue_change_priority(open_set, pn->f_score_, pn);
      came_from[neighbor] = current;

void free_nodes(const map<unsigned long long, node*>& nodes)
  for (map<unsigned long long, node*>::const_iterator i = nodes.begin(),
    e = nodes.end(); i != e; ++i)
    delete i->second;

int a_star_seach(int mi, unsigned long long current,
  map<unsigned long long, unsigned long long>& came_from)
  const int nr_initial_nodes = 1048576;
  pqueue_t* open_set = pqueue_init(nr_initial_nodes,
    node::compare_distance, node::get_distance, node::set_distance,
    node::get_position, node::set_position);
    // The set of tentative nodes to be evaluated,
    // initially containing the start node.
  map<unsigned long long, node*> in_open_set;
    // key is a state, value is the node instance that is in openset
  map<unsigned long long, node*> removed_from_open_set;
    // key is a state, value is the node instance that has ever been in openset
    // but it's currenty removed form it
  node* pn = new node(mi, current, 0); // start node
  pqueue_insert(open_set, pn);
  in_open_set.insert(make_pair(current, pn));
  came_from[current] = -1;
  int shortest_g_score = -1;
  while (pqueue_size(open_set)) { // while openset is not empty
    pn = reinterpret_cast<node*>(pqueue_pop(open_set));
      // the node in openset having the lowest f_score_ value
    // remove current from openset
    int mi = pn->mi_;
    unsigned long long current = pn->state_;
    int g_score = pn->g_score_;
    removed_from_open_set.insert(make_pair(current, pn));
    if (current == goal) {
      shortest_g_score = g_score;
    if (g_score < g_score_max) {
          // for each neighbor in neighbor_nodes(current)
      if (mi < 12) // move the missing tile down
        add_or_update_node(mi, mi + 4, current, g_score, came_from, open_set,
          in_open_set, removed_from_open_set);
      if (mi > 3) // move the missing tile up
        add_or_update_node(mi, mi - 4, current, g_score, came_from, open_set,
          in_open_set, removed_from_open_set);
      if ((mi % 4) < 3) // move the missing tile right
        add_or_update_node(mi, mi + 1, current, g_score, came_from, open_set,
          in_open_set, removed_from_open_set);
      if (mi % 4) // move the missing tile left
        add_or_update_node(mi, mi - 1, current, g_score, came_from, open_set,
          in_open_set, removed_from_open_set);
  return shortest_g_score;

void print_steps(unsigned long long ps, unsigned long long cs,
  map<unsigned long long, unsigned long long>& states, ostringstream& oss)
  if (ps == -1)
  print_steps(states[ps], ps, states, oss);
  int phi = -1, chi = -1;
  for (int i = 0; phi == -1 || chi == -1; i++, ps >>= 4, cs >>= 4) {
    if (!(ps & 0xf))
      phi = i;
    if (!(cs & 0xf))
      chi = i;
  int ud = chi / 4 - phi / 4;
  if (ud > 0)
    oss << 'D';
  else if (ud < 0)
    oss << 'U';
  else if (chi % 4 - phi % 4 > 0)
    oss << 'R';
    oss << 'L';

#ifdef DEBUG
void follow_steps(int mi, unsigned long long state, const string& s)
  for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
    int nmi;
    switch (s[i]) {
    case 'U':
      assert(mi > 3); nmi = mi - 4; break;
    case 'D':
      assert(mi < 12); nmi = mi + 4; break;
    case 'L':
      assert(mi % 4); nmi = mi - 1; break;
    case 'R':
      assert((mi % 4) < 3); nmi = mi + 1; break;
    state = exchange_tile(mi, nmi, state);
    mi = nmi;
  assert(state == goal);

int main()
  int n;
  cin >> n;
#ifdef __ELAPSED_TIME__
  clock_t start = clock();
  while (n--) {
    int tiles[nr_tiles];
    unsigned long long current = 0; // puzzle state
    int mi; // index of the missing tile
    for (int i = 0; i < nr_tiles; i++) {
      unsigned long long nr;
      cin >> nr;
      tiles[i] = nr;
      current |= nr << (i * 4);
      if (!nr)
        mi = i;
    int shortest_g_score = -1;
    map<unsigned long long, unsigned long long> came_from;
      // the map of navigated nodes.
    if (is_puzzle_solvable(tiles))
      shortest_g_score = a_star_seach(mi, current, came_from);
    if (shortest_g_score != -1) {
#ifdef DEBUG
      cout << "number of steps = " << shortest_g_score << endl;
      ostringstream oss;
      print_steps(came_from[goal], goal, came_from, oss);
      cout << oss.str() << endl;
#ifdef DEBUG
      follow_steps(mi, current, oss.str());
      cout << "This puzzle is not solvable.\n";
#ifdef __ELAPSED_TIME__
  cerr << "elapsed time = " <<
    static_cast<double>(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " sec.\n";
  return 0;

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