Wednesday, August 14, 2013

UVa 10149 - Yahtzee

Accepted date: 2011-07-10
Language: C++

  2.8.8 Yahtzee
  PC/UVa IDs: 110208/10149, Popularity: C, Success rate: average Level: 3

  To build using Visucal Studio 2008:
    cl -EHsc -O2 yahtzee.cpp

#include <iostream>
#ifdef DEBUG
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#ifdef __ELAPSED_TIME__
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;

enum categories {
  ct_not_applied = -1,
  ct_ones, ct_twos, ct_threes, ct_fours, ct_fives, ct_sixes,
  ct_chance, ct_three_of_a_kind, ct_four_of_a_kind,
  ct_five_of_a_kind, ct_short_straight, ct_long_straight, ct_full_house

const int nr_dies = 5; // number of dies
const int nr_rounds = 13; // number of rounds
const int nr_categories = ct_full_house - ct_ones + 1; // number of categories
const int min_sum_for_bonus = 63; // min. sum of first six categories for bonus
const int bonus_point = 35; // bonus point

int category_chance(const vector<int>& dies) // sum of all dies
  return accumulate(dies.begin(), dies.end(), 0);

int category_three_of_a_kind(const vector<int>& dies)
  // sum of all dies, provided at least three have same value
  // note that dies is sorted in ascending order
  for (int i = 0; i < nr_dies - 2; i++)
    if (dies[i] == dies[i + 1] && dies[i + 1] == dies[i + 2])
      return category_chance(dies);
  return 0;

int category_four_of_a_kind(const vector<int>& dies)
  // sum of all dies, provided at least four have same value
  // note that dies is sorted in ascending order
  int j = (dies[0] == dies[1]) ? nr_dies - 2 : nr_dies - 1;
  for (int i = 1; i < j; i++)
    if (dies[i] != dies[i + 1])
      return 0;
  return category_chance(dies);

int category_five_of_a_kind(const vector<int>& dies)
  // 50 points, provided all five dies have same value
  // note that dies is sorted in ascending order
  return (dies[0] == dies[4]) ? 50 : 0;

int category_short_straight(const vector<int>& dies)
  // 25 points, provided four of the dies form a sequence
  int j = (dies[0] + 1 == dies[1]) ? nr_dies - 2 : nr_dies - 1;
  for (int i = 1; i < j; i++)
    if (dies[i] + 1 != dies[i + 1])
      return 0;
  return 25;

int category_long_straight(const vector<int>& dies)
  // 35 points, provided all dies form a sequence
  for (int i = 0; i < nr_dies - 1; i++)
    if (dies[i] + 1 != dies[i + 1])
      return 0;
  return 35;

int category_full_house(const vector<int>& dies)
  // 40 points, provided three of the dies are equal and 
  // the other two dies are also equal
  if (dies[0] != dies[1]) // the first two must be equal
    return 0;
  if (dies[1] == dies[2]) // the first three are equal
    return (dies[3] == dies[4]) ? 40 : 0; // the last two must be equal
    return (dies[2] == dies[3] && dies[3] == dies[4]) ? 40 : 0;
      // the last three must be equal

int category_numbers(const vector<int>& dies, int n)
  return n * count(dies.begin(), dies.end(), n);

int category_ones(const vector<int>& dies) // sum of all ones thrown
  return category_numbers(dies, 1);

int category_twos(const vector<int>& dies) // sum of all twos thrown
  return category_numbers(dies, 2);

int category_threes(const vector<int>& dies) // sum of all threes thrown
  return category_numbers(dies, 3);

int category_fours(const vector<int>& dies) // sum of all fours thrown
  return category_numbers(dies, 4);

int category_fives(const vector<int>& dies) // sum of all fives thrown
  return category_numbers(dies, 5);

int category_sixes(const vector<int>& dies) // sum of all sixes thrown
  return category_numbers(dies, 6);

void caluculate_applicable_scores(const vector<int>& dies,
  vector<int>& scores)
  typedef int (*category_function)(const vector<int>&);
  const category_function category_functions[] = {
    category_ones, category_twos, category_threes, category_fours,
    category_fives, category_sixes,
    category_chance, category_three_of_a_kind, category_four_of_a_kind,
    category_short_straight, category_long_straight, category_full_house
  for (int i = ct_ones; i <= ct_full_house; i++) {
    int score = category_functions[i](dies);
    if (score)
      scores[i] = score;

inline int get_score_index(int category)

  return 1 << (category + 16);

inline int get_score_index(int category, int score)
  // score index for the first six categories
  if (score > min_sum_for_bonus)
    score = min_sum_for_bonus;
  return 1 << (category + 16) | score;

inline int get_category_bitmap(int index)
  return index >> 16;

inline int get_score_for_bonus(int index)
  return index & 0xffff;

int get_applied_score(unsigned long long score, int category,
  const vector< vector<int> >& applicable_scores)
  int round = static_cast<int>((score >> (category * 4)) & 0xf);
  return (round == 0xf) ? 0 /* not applied */ :

inline int get_total_of_score(unsigned long long score)
  return static_cast<int>((score >> 52) & 0xfff);

unsigned long long set_score(int round, int category,
  const vector< vector<int> >& applicable_scores)
  unsigned long long score = 0x000fffffffffffffULL;
  score &= ~(static_cast<unsigned long long>(0xf) << (category * 4));
  score |= static_cast<unsigned long long>(round) << (category * 4);
  score |=
    static_cast<unsigned long long>(applicable_scores[round][category]) << 52;
  return score;

unsigned long long change_score(unsigned long long score,
  int round, int category, int s)
  score &= ~(static_cast<unsigned long long>(0xf) << (category * 4));
  score |= static_cast<unsigned long long>(round) << (category * 4);
  score &= 0x000fffffffffffffULL;
  score |= static_cast<unsigned long long>(s) << 52;
  return score;

void add_to_scores(int index, unsigned long long score, map<int,
  unsigned long long>& scores)
  map<int, unsigned long long>::iterator i = scores.find(index);
  if (i != scores.end()) {
    if (get_total_of_score(i->second) < get_total_of_score(score))
      i->second = score;
    scores.insert(make_pair(index, score));

bool read_rounds_of_dies(vector< vector<int> >& applicable_scores)
  for (int i = 0; i < nr_rounds; i++) { // read the values of thirteen rounds
    vector<int> dies(nr_dies);
      // values of the five dies thrown, sorted in ascending order
    for (int j = 0; j < nr_dies; j++) { // read the values of the five dies
      if (!(cin >> dies[j]))
        return false; // end of input
    sort(dies.begin(), dies.end());
    caluculate_applicable_scores(dies, applicable_scores[i]);
  return true;

#ifdef DEBUG
void print_scores(const map<int, unsigned long long>& scores)
  map<int, unsigned long long>::const_iterator iend = scores.end();
  for (map<int, unsigned long long>::const_iterator i = scores.begin();
    i != iend; ++i)
    cerr << hex << setw(4) << setfill('0') <<
      get_category_bitmap(i->first) << '-' <<
      dec << setw(4) << setfill(' ') <<
      get_score_for_bonus(i->first) << ": " <<
      get_total_of_score(i->second) << endl;
  cerr << endl;

void caluculate_scores(vector< vector<int> >& applicable_scores,
  vector< map<int, unsigned long long> >& scores)
  for (int i = 0; i < nr_rounds; i++) {
    map<int, unsigned long long>& current_scores = scores[i % 2];
    map<int, unsigned long long>& previous_scores = scores[(i + 1) % 2];
    current_scores = previous_scores;

    for (int j = 0; j < nr_categories; j++) {
      if (applicable_scores[i][j] == -1) // not applied to any categories

      int pi, ci; // previous and current indices
      unsigned long long ps, cs; // prevous and current scores
      // insert or update a pair of category and its score on its own
      ci = (j < ct_chance) ?
        get_score_index(j, applicable_scores[i][j]) : get_score_index(j);
      cs = set_score(i, j, applicable_scores);
      add_to_scores(ci, cs, current_scores);

      // add the score to the existing pairs of categories and thier scores
      map<int, unsigned long long>::iterator k, kend = previous_scores.end();
      for (k = previous_scores.begin(); k != kend; ++k) {
        pi = k->first; ps = k->second;
        int ts = get_total_of_score(ps); // totoal of the previous score
        // score for category j of the previous score
        int as = (pi & get_score_index(j)) ?
          // category j is applied to any of the previous rounds
          get_applied_score(ps, j, applicable_scores) : 0;
        if (j > ct_sixes) {
          // replace category j with current round i and update the total score
          cs = change_score(ps, i, j, ts + applicable_scores[i][j] - as);
          add_to_scores(pi | get_score_index(j), cs, current_scores);
        else {
          // modifying the socre for category j of the prevous score also 
          // entails updating the lower 16-bits of index.
          ci = get_score_index(j, get_score_for_bonus(pi) +
            applicable_scores[i][j] - as);
          ci |= get_category_bitmap(pi) << 16;
          cs = change_score(ps, i, j, ts + applicable_scores[i][j] - as);
          add_to_scores(ci, cs, current_scores);
#ifdef DEBUG
    cerr << i + 1 << " rounds, " <<
      current_scores.size() << " scores\n";
//    print_scores(current_scores);

int get_max_score(map<int, unsigned long long>& scores,
  pair<int, unsigned long long>& s)
  int max_ts = -1;
  map<int, unsigned long long>::const_iterator iend = scores.end();
  for (map<int, unsigned long long>::const_iterator i = scores.begin();
    i != iend; ++i) {
    int ts = get_total_of_score(i->second);
    if (get_score_for_bonus(i->first) >= min_sum_for_bonus)
      ts += bonus_point;
        // a bonus of 35 points if the sum of the first six categories is 
        // 63 or greater
    if (max_ts < ts) {
      max_ts = ts; s = *i;
  return max_ts;

void print_scores(const pair<int, unsigned long long>& s,
  const vector< vector<int> >& applicable_scores)
  int ts = get_total_of_score(s.second);
  unsigned long long ri = s.second;
  for (int i = 0; i < nr_categories; i++, ri >>= 4) {
    // print the score for each category
    int r = (ri & 0xf);
    cout << ((r != 0x0f) ? applicable_scores[r][i] : 0) << ' ';
  // print the bonus score
  if (get_score_for_bonus(s.first) >= min_sum_for_bonus) {
    cout << "35 ";
    ts += bonus_point;
    cout << "0 ";
  cout << ts << endl;

int main(int /* argc */, char ** /* argv */)
#ifdef __ELAPSED_TIME__
  clock_t start = clock();
  while (true) {
    vector< vector<int> >
      applicable_scores(nr_rounds, vector<int>(nr_categories, -1));
      // applicable_scores[i][j] is the score when the j-th category is 
      // applied to the i-th round, 
      // or -1 if the j-th category cannot be applied.
    if (!read_rounds_of_dies(applicable_scores))
    vector< map<int, unsigned long long> > scores(2);
  key is an index whose:
    higher 16-bits are bitmaps of applied categories, 
      in which i-th bit is set if the i-th categoriy 
      from categories enumeration is applied.
    lower 16-bits are the sum of first six categories' 
      (i.e., ones, twos, threes, fours, fives, and sixes) scores.
  value is the score:
    bit (4 * i) - bit (4 * i + 3) is the round index if the i-th category is 
      applied to the round, or 0xf if it is not applied.
    bit 52 - bit 63 is the total scores.
    caluculate_scores(applicable_scores, scores);
    map<int, unsigned long long>& current_scores = scores[(nr_rounds - 1) % 2];
    pair<int, unsigned long long> s;
    get_max_score(current_scores, s);
    print_scores(s, applicable_scores);
#ifdef __ELAPSED_TIME__
  cerr << "elapsed time = " <<
    static_cast<double>(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " sec.\n";
  return 0;

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