Tuesday, May 20, 2014

UVa 11228 - Transportation system

Accepted date: 2014-05-20
Ranking (as of 2014-05-20): 21 out of 817
Language: C++

The priority queue implementation (the functions prefixed with "pqueue" and their associated definitions, etc. that are surrounded by the below 'extern "C"' block) is based on the code from https://github.com/vy/libpqueue and is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license:
  Copyright 2010 Volkan Yazici
  Copyright 2006-2010 The Apache Software Foundation

  UVa 11228 - Transportation system

  To build using Visual Studio 2012:
    cl -EHsc -O2 UVa_11228_Transportation_system.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

#ifdef  __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/** priority data type */
typedef double pqueue_pri_t;

/** callback functions to get/set/compare the priority of an element */
typedef pqueue_pri_t (*pqueue_get_pri_f)(void *a);
typedef void (*pqueue_set_pri_f)(void *a, pqueue_pri_t pri);
typedef int (*pqueue_cmp_pri_f)(pqueue_pri_t next, pqueue_pri_t curr);

/** callback functions to get/set the position of an element */
typedef size_t (*pqueue_get_pos_f)(void *a);
typedef void (*pqueue_set_pos_f)(void *a, size_t pos);

/** debug callback function to print a entry */
typedef void (*pqueue_print_entry_f)(FILE *out, void *a);

/** the priority queue handle */
typedef struct pqueue_t
    size_t size;
    size_t avail;
    size_t step;
    pqueue_cmp_pri_f cmppri;
    pqueue_get_pri_f getpri;
    pqueue_set_pri_f setpri;
    pqueue_get_pos_f getpos;
    pqueue_set_pos_f setpos;
    void **d;
} pqueue_t;

#define left(i)   ((i) << 1)
#define right(i)  (((i) << 1) + 1)
#define parent(i) ((i) >> 1)

pqueue_t *
pqueue_init(size_t n,
            pqueue_cmp_pri_f cmppri,
            pqueue_get_pri_f getpri,
            pqueue_set_pri_f setpri,
            pqueue_get_pos_f getpos,
            pqueue_set_pos_f setpos)
    pqueue_t *q;

    if (!(q = (pqueue_t *)malloc(sizeof(pqueue_t))))
        return NULL;

    /* Need to allocate n+1 elements since element 0 isn't used. */
    if (!(q->d = (void **)(malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(void *))))) {
        return NULL;

    q->size = 1;
    q->avail = q->step = (n+1);  /* see comment above about n+1 */
    q->cmppri = cmppri;
    q->setpri = setpri;
    q->getpri = getpri;
    q->getpos = getpos;
    q->setpos = setpos;

    return q;

pqueue_free(pqueue_t *q)

pqueue_size(pqueue_t *q)
    /* queue element 0 exists but doesn't count since it isn't used. */
    return (q->size - 1);

static void
bubble_up(pqueue_t *q, size_t i)
    size_t parent_node;
    void *moving_node = q->d[i];
    pqueue_pri_t moving_pri = q->getpri(moving_node);

    for (parent_node = parent(i);
         ((i > 1) && q->cmppri(q->getpri(q->d[parent_node]), moving_pri));
         i = parent_node, parent_node = parent(i))
        q->d[i] = q->d[parent_node];
        q->setpos(q->d[i], i);

    q->d[i] = moving_node;
    q->setpos(moving_node, i);

static size_t
maxchild(pqueue_t *q, size_t i)
    size_t child_node = left(i);

    if (child_node >= q->size)
        return 0;

    if ((child_node+1) < q->size &&
        q->cmppri(q->getpri(q->d[child_node]), q->getpri(q->d[child_node+1])))
        child_node++; /* use right child instead of left */

    return child_node;

static void
percolate_down(pqueue_t *q, size_t i)
    size_t child_node;
    void *moving_node = q->d[i];
    pqueue_pri_t moving_pri = q->getpri(moving_node);

    while ((child_node = maxchild(q, i)) &&
           q->cmppri(moving_pri, q->getpri(q->d[child_node])))
        q->d[i] = q->d[child_node];
        q->setpos(q->d[i], i);
        i = child_node;

    q->d[i] = moving_node;
    q->setpos(moving_node, i);

pqueue_insert(pqueue_t *q, void *d)
    void *tmp;
    size_t i;
    size_t newsize;

    if (!q) return 1;

    /* allocate more memory if necessary */
    if (q->size >= q->avail) {
        newsize = q->size + q->step;
        if (!(tmp = realloc(q->d, sizeof(void *) * newsize)))
            return 1;
        q->d = (void **)tmp;
        q->avail = newsize;

    /* insert item */
    i = q->size++;
    q->d[i] = d;
    bubble_up(q, i);

    return 0;

pqueue_change_priority(pqueue_t *q,
                       pqueue_pri_t new_pri,
                       void *d)
    size_t posn;
    pqueue_pri_t old_pri = q->getpri(d);

    q->setpri(d, new_pri);
    posn = q->getpos(d);
    if (q->cmppri(old_pri, new_pri))
        bubble_up(q, posn);
        percolate_down(q, posn);

void *
pqueue_pop(pqueue_t *q)
    void *head;

    if (!q || q->size == 1)
        return NULL;

    head = q->d[1];
    q->d[1] = q->d[--q->size];
    percolate_down(q, 1);

    return head;

#ifdef  __cplusplus

const int n_max = 1000;
pair<double, double> cities[n_max];
double city_distances[n_max][n_max];
  // city_distances[i][j] is the distnace between city i and city j

struct vertex_distance
  int vertex; // vertex
  double distance; // distance
  size_t pqueue_pos; // used internally by libpqueue

  vertex_distance() : vertex(0), distance(0.0), pqueue_pos(-1) {}
  vertex_distance(int v, double d) : vertex(v), distance(d), pqueue_pos(-1) {}

  static double get_distance(void* vd);
  static void set_distance(void* vd, double d);
  static int compare_distance(double next, double current);
  static size_t get_position(void* vd);
  static void set_position(void *vd, size_t position);
} vertex_distances[n_max];

double vertex_distance::get_distance(void* vd)
  return reinterpret_cast<vertex_distance*>(vd)->distance;

void vertex_distance::set_distance(void* vd, double d)
  reinterpret_cast<vertex_distance*>(vd)->distance = d;

int vertex_distance::compare_distance(double next, double current)
  return current < next;

size_t vertex_distance::get_position(void* vd)
  return reinterpret_cast<vertex_distance*>(vd)->pqueue_pos;

void vertex_distance::set_position(void *vd, size_t position)
  reinterpret_cast<vertex_distance*>(vd)->pqueue_pos = position;

int mst_prim(int n, int r, double& road_distance, double& railroad_distance)
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    vertex_distances[i] = vertex_distance(i,
      ((i) ? numeric_limits<double>::max() : 0.0));
  // queue items (vertex_distance instances) are arranged 
  // in ascending order of their distances from the first vertex
  pqueue_t* queue = pqueue_init(n,
    vertex_distance::compare_distance, vertex_distance::get_distance,
    vertex_distance::get_position, vertex_distance::set_position);
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    pqueue_insert(queue, &vertex_distances[i]);

  road_distance = railroad_distance = 0.0;
  int nr_states = 1;
  while (pqueue_size(queue)) {
    vertex_distance* vd = reinterpret_cast<vertex_distance*>(pqueue_pop(queue));
    vd->pqueue_pos = -1;
    int u = vd->vertex;
    if (vertex_distances[u].distance == numeric_limits<double>::max())
    if (vertex_distances[u].distance > r) {
      railroad_distance += vertex_distances[u].distance;
      road_distance += vertex_distances[u].distance;
    for (int v = 0; v < n; v++) {
      if (vertex_distances[v].pqueue_pos != -1 &&
        // a vertex_distance instance for v is still in queue
        city_distances[u][v] < vertex_distances[v].distance)
          city_distances[u][v], &vertex_distances[v]);
  return nr_states;

double euclidean_distance(const pair<double, double>& p,
  const pair<double, double>& q)
  double dx = p.first - q.first, dy = p.second - q.second;
  return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

int main()
  int T;
  cin >> T;
  for (int t = 1; t <= T; t++) {
    int n, r;
    cin >> n >> r;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      cin >> cities[i].first >> cities[i].second;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      city_distances[i][i] = numeric_limits<double>::max();
      for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
        city_distances[i][j] = city_distances[j][i] =
          euclidean_distance(cities[i], cities[j]);
    double road_distance, railroad_distance;
    int nr_states = mst_prim(n, r, road_distance, railroad_distance);
    cout << "Case #" << t << ": " << nr_states << ' ' <<
      fixed << setprecision(0) << road_distance << ' ' <<
      setprecision(0) << railroad_distance << endl;
  return 0;

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