Ranking (as of 2015-03-01): 41 out of 157
Language: C++
/* UVa 790 - Head Judge Headache To build using Visual Studio 2012: cl -EHsc -O2 UVa_790_Head_Judge_Headache.cpp */ #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int nr_teams_max = 25, nr_problems = 'G' - 'A' + 1; struct submission { int time_; char status_; // 'Y' or 'N' submission() {} submission(int time, char status) : time_(time), status_(status) {} bool operator<(const submission& s) const { if (time_ != s.time_) return time_ < s.time_; else return status_ < s.status_; } }; struct team { int nr_; int nr_solved_; int time_consumed_; vector< vector<submission> > submissions_; team() : nr_(nr_teams_max + 1), nr_solved_(0), time_consumed_(0), submissions_(nr_problems, vector<submission>()) {} bool operator<(const team& t) const { if (nr_solved_ != t.nr_solved_) return nr_solved_ > t.nr_solved_; else if (time_consumed_ != t.time_consumed_) return time_consumed_ < t.time_consumed_; else return nr_ < t.nr_; } }; int main() { string line; istringstream iss; getline(cin, line); int nr_cases; iss.str(line); iss >> nr_cases; iss.clear(); getline(cin, line); while (nr_cases--) { vector<team> teams(nr_teams_max); int nr_max = 0; while (getline(cin, line) && !line.empty()) { iss.str(line); int nr, h, m; char pl, sr, c; iss >> nr >> pl >> h >> c >> m >> sr; iss.clear(); if (nr > nr_max) nr_max = nr; teams[nr - 1].submissions_[pl - 'A'].push_back(submission(h * 60 + m, sr)); } for (int i = 0; i < nr_teams_max; i++) if (i < nr_max) { team& t = teams[i]; t.nr_ = i + 1; for (int j = 0; j < nr_problems; j++) { vector<submission>& submissions = t.submissions_[j]; sort(submissions.begin(), submissions.end()); for (int k = 0; k < submissions.size(); k++) if (submissions[k].status_ == 'Y') { t.nr_solved_++; t.time_consumed_ += submissions[k].time_ + k * 20; break; } } } sort(teams.begin(), teams.begin() + nr_teams_max); cout << "RANK TEAM PRO/SOLVED TIME\n"; for (int i = 0, rank = 0; i < nr_teams_max && teams[i].nr_ <= nr_teams_max; i++) { if (!i || teams[i].nr_solved_ != teams[i - 1].nr_solved_ || teams[i].time_consumed_ != teams[i - 1].time_consumed_) rank = i + 1; if (teams[i].nr_solved_) cout << setw(4) << rank << setw(5) << teams[i].nr_ << setw(5) << teams[i].nr_solved_ << setw(11) << teams[i].time_consumed_ << endl; else cout << setw(4) << rank << setw(5) << teams[i].nr_ << endl; } if (nr_cases) cout << endl; } return 0; }
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