Ranking (as of 2015-12-05): 39 out of 565
Language: C++
/* UVa 816 - Abbott's Revenge To build using Visual Studio 2012: cl -EHsc -O2 UVa_816_Abbotts_Revenge.cpp */ #include <vector> #include <queue> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> using namespace std; enum {north, south, east, west}; enum {left, forward_, right}; const int nr_rows = 9, nr_columns = 9, nr_nsew = west - north + 1, nr_lfr = right - left + 1, nr_name_chars_max = 20, nr_chars_max = 8; bool exits[nr_rows + 1][nr_columns + 1][nr_nsew][nr_lfr]; // path[r][c][f][t] is true if the path to (r, c) from f to can be exited bool visited[nr_rows + 1][nr_columns + 1][nr_nsew][nr_lfr]; int symbol_values[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, east, forward_, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, left, 0, north, 0, 0, 0, right, south, 0, 0, 0, west, 0, 0, 0 }; struct path { int r_, c_; vector<int> froms_; // vector of north, south, east or west path() {} path(const path& p) : r_(p.r_), c_(p.c_), froms_(p.froms_) {} path(int r, int c, const vector<int>& froms, int f) : r_(r), c_(c), froms_(froms) {froms_.push_back(f);} }; const int next_dirs[nr_nsew][nr_lfr] = { // dirs[f][t] is the next direction from f to t {west, north, east}, {east, south, west}, {north, east, south}, {south, west, north} }; void next_path(int from, int &r, int& c) { switch (from) { case north: r--; break; case south: r++; break; case east: c++; break; case west: c--; break; } } void print_paths(int sr, int sc, const vector<int>& froms) { int r = sr, c = sc; size_t i, j; for (i = 0, j = froms.size(); i < j; i++) { if (!(i % 10)) printf(" "); printf("(%d,%d)%c", r, c, (((i % 10) == 9) ? '\n' : ' ')); next_path(froms[i], r, c); } if (!(i % 10)) printf(" "); printf("(%d,%d)\n", r, c); } int main() { while (true) { char name[nr_name_chars_max + 1]; scanf("%s", name); if (!strcmp(name, "END")) break; memset(exits, 0, sizeof(exits)); memset(visited, 0, sizeof(visited)); int sr, sc, gr, gc, sd; char s[nr_chars_max]; scanf("%d %d %s %d %d", &sr, &sc, s, &gr, &gc); sd = symbol_values[s[0] - 'A']; while (true) { int r, c; scanf("%d", &r); if (!r) break; scanf("%d", &c); while (true) { scanf("%s", s); if (s[0] == '*') break; int f = symbol_values[s[0] - 'A']; for (int i = 1; s[i]; i++) exits[r][c][f][symbol_values[s[i] - 'A']] = true; } } printf("%s\n", name); bool solution = false; queue<path> q; visited[sr][sc][sd][forward_] = true; q.push(path(sr, sc, vector<int>(), sd)); while (!q.empty()) { path u = q.front(); q.pop(); int from = u.froms_.back(), r = u.r_, c = u.c_; #ifdef DEBUG printf("%d %d %d %d\n", r, c, u.froms_.back(), u.forms_.size()); #endif next_path(from, r, c); if (r == gr && c == gc) { solution = true; print_paths(sr, sc, u.froms_); break; } if (r >= 1 && r <= nr_rows && c >= 1 && c <= nr_columns) for (int to = left; to <= right; to++) if (exits[r][c][from][to] && !visited[r][c][from][to]) { visited[r][c][from][to] = true; q.push(path(r, c, u.froms_, next_dirs[from][to])); } } if (!solution) puts(" No Solution Possible"); } return 0; }
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