Run Time: 0.020
Ranking (as of 2016-05-18): 5 out of 1718
Language: C++
/* UVa 10400 - Game Show Math To build using Visual Studio 2012: cl -EHsc -O2 UVa_10400_Game_Show_Math.cpp */ #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> const int p_max = 100, result_min = -32000, result_max = 32000; char operators[p_max][result_max - result_min + 1]; int p, numbers[p_max], target; bool game(int pi, int result) { if (pi < p) { int r; if ((r = result + numbers[pi]) <= result_max && !operators[pi][r]) { operators[pi][r] = '+'; #ifdef DEBUG printf("[%d][%d]: %c\n", pi, r, operators[pi][r]); #endif if (game(pi + 1, r)) return true; } if ((r = result - numbers[pi]) >= result_min && !operators[pi][r]) { operators[pi][r] = '-'; #ifdef DEBUG printf("[%d][%d]: %c\n", pi, r, operators[pi][r]); #endif if (game(pi + 1, result - numbers[pi])) return true; } if (abs(r = result * numbers[pi]) <= result_max && !operators[pi][r]) { operators[pi][r] = '*'; #ifdef DEBUG printf("[%d][%d]: %c\n", pi, r, operators[pi][r]); #endif if (game(pi + 1, r)) return true; } if (numbers[pi] && !(result % numbers[pi]) && !operators[pi][r = result / numbers[pi]]) { operators[pi][r] = '/'; #ifdef DEBUG printf("[%d][%d]: %c\n", pi, r, operators[pi][r]); #endif if (game(pi + 1, r)) return true; } return false; } else return result == target; } void print_expression(int pi, int result) { if (!pi) printf("%d", numbers[pi]); else { int r = result; switch (operators[pi][r]) { case '+': r -= numbers[pi]; break; case '-': r += numbers[pi]; break; case '*': r /= numbers[pi]; break; case '/': r *= numbers[pi]; break; } print_expression(pi - 1, r); printf("%c%d", operators[pi][result], numbers[pi]); } } int main() { int n; scanf("%d", &n); while (n--) { scanf("%d", &p); for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) scanf("%d", &numbers[i]); scanf("%d", &target); if (p > 1) { memset(operators, 0, sizeof(operators)); game(1, numbers[0]); if (operators[p - 1][target]) { print_expression(p - 1, target); printf("=%d\n", target); } else puts("NO EXPRESSION"); } else { if (numbers[0] == target) printf("%d=%d\n", numbers[0], target); else puts("NO EXPRESSION"); } } return 0; }
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