Saturday, June 15, 2013

Uva 10023 - Square root

Accepted date: 2011-12-25
Ranking (as of 2013-06-15): 408 out of 875
Language: JAVA

// Uva 10023 - Square root

  See Methods of computing square roots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.math.BigInteger;

class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
    String line = sc.nextLine();
    int nr_cases = Integer.parseInt(line);
    while (nr_cases-- > 0) {
      sc.nextLine(); // skip a line
      line = sc.nextLine();
      if (nr_cases > 0)

  static String squareRoot(String n) {
    final BigInteger TWENTY = BigInteger.TEN.add(BigInteger.TEN);
    int i = 0;
    BigInteger c = BigInteger.valueOf(n.charAt(i++) - '0'); // current value
    if ((n.length() & 1) == 0)
      c =
        c.multiply(BigInteger.TEN).add(BigInteger.valueOf(n.charAt(i++) - '0'));
    BigInteger p = BigInteger.ZERO; // part of the root found so far
    while (true) {
      // determine the greatest digit x such that y = (20 * p + x) * x 
      // does not exceed c
      BigInteger x = BigInteger.ZERO, y = BigInteger.ZERO;
      if (p.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
        if (!c.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
          x = BigInteger.valueOf((long)Math.sqrt(c.doubleValue()));
            // x = floor(sqrt(c))
          y = x.multiply(x); // y = x * x
      else {
        BigInteger twenty_p = p.multiply(TWENTY);
        x = c.divide(twenty_p); // c / (20 * p)
        y = twenty_p.add(x).multiply(x); // (20 * p + x) * x
        int result = y.compareTo(c);
        if (result < 0) {
          for (x = x.add(BigInteger.ONE); ; x = x.add(BigInteger.ONE)) {
            y = twenty_p.add(x).multiply(x);
            if (y.compareTo(c) > 0)
          x = x.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
          y = twenty_p.add(x).multiply(x);
        else if (result > 0) {
          for (x = x.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
            ; x = x.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)) {
            y = twenty_p.add(x).multiply(x);
            if (y.compareTo(c) <= 0)
      c = c.subtract(y);
      p = p.multiply(BigInteger.TEN).add(x);
//      System.out.println(String.format("%s %s", p, c));
      if (i == n.length())
      c =
        c.multiply(BigInteger.TEN).add(BigInteger.valueOf(n.charAt(i++) - '0'));
      c =
        c.multiply(BigInteger.TEN).add(BigInteger.valueOf(n.charAt(i++) - '0'));
    return p.toString();

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