Saturday, June 15, 2013

Uva 11027 - Palindromic Permutation

Accepted date: 2012-01-04
Ranking (as of 2013-06-15): 189 out of 281
Language: C++

  Uva 11027 - Palindromic Permutation

  To build using Visual Studio 2008:
    cl -EHsc -O2 palindromic_permutation.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

  Count the number of occurrences of each lowercase letter in a given string:
    For a string of even length, all of the number of occurrences should be even.
    For a string of odd length, all but one of the number of occurrences should 
      be even.
  Take the half of the letters from the string and generate permutation.

const int nr_letters = 26; // number of lowercase letters
const int length_max = 30;
long long factorials[length_max / 2 + 1]; // factorials[i] is i!

void generate_factorials()
  factorials[0] = 1;
  for (int i = 1; i <= length_max / 2; i++)
    factorials[i] = factorials[i - 1] * i;

int get_half_palindrome(const char* s,
  int half_palindrome_letters[], char half_palindrome[])
  int length = 0;
  for ( ; *s; s++, length++)
    half_palindrome_letters[*s - 'a']++;
  int i_odd_letter = -1;
    // index of the letter that has an odd number of occurrences
  for (int i = 0; i < nr_letters; i++) {
    if (half_palindrome_letters[i] & 1) {
      if (!(length & 1) || i_odd_letter != -1)
        return -1;
      i_odd_letter = i;
    half_palindrome_letters[i] >>= 1;
  int half_palindrome_length = 0;
  // append the letters half the numbers of original strings 
  // in alphabetical order
  for (int i = 0; i < nr_letters; i++)
    if (half_palindrome_letters[i]) {
      for (int j = half_palindrome_letters[i]; j; j--)
        half_palindrome[half_palindrome_length++] = 'a' + i;
  // append the letter that has an odd number of occurrences
  if (i_odd_letter != -1)
    half_palindrome[half_palindrome_length++] = 'a' + i_odd_letter;
  half_palindrome[half_palindrome_length] = '\0';
  return half_palindrome_length;

int generate_n_th_palindrome(long long n, int length,
  int letters[], char palindrome[])
  For the number of permutations of words, see 
    "Multinomial theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia":
  ... the multinomial coefficient is also the number of distinct ways to 
  permute a multiset of n elements, and k(i) are the multiplicities of each of 
  the distinct elements. ...
  int i, j;
  long long numerator = factorials[length], denominator = 1;
  for (i = 0; i < nr_letters; i++)
    if (letters[i])
      denominator *= factorials[letters[i]];
  if (n > numerator / denominator)
    return -1;
  for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    numerator /= length - i;
    for (j = i; j < length; ) {
      char c = palindrome[j];
      int k = letters[c - 'a'];
      long long p = numerator / (denominator / k);
      if (n <= p) {
        denominator /= k;
        letters[c - 'a']--;
        // insert c at palindrome[i]
        memmove(&palindrome[i + 1], &palindrome[i], sizeof(char) * (j - i));
        palindrome[i] = c;
      n -= p; j += k;
  return length;

int get_n_th_palindrome(int n, int palindrome_length, int half_palindrome_length,
  int half_palindrome_letters[], char half_palindrome[], char palindrome[])
  int permutation_length = palindrome_length - half_palindrome_length;
  if (generate_n_th_palindrome(n, permutation_length,
    half_palindrome_letters, half_palindrome) == -1)
    return -1;
  // generate the n-th palindrome
  memcpy(palindrome, half_palindrome, half_palindrome_length);
  for (int i = 0, j = palindrome_length - 1; i < permutation_length; i++, j--)
    palindrome[j] = palindrome[i];
  palindrome[palindrome_length] = '\0';
  return palindrome_length;

int main()
  int nr_cases;
  scanf("%d", &nr_cases);
  for (int c = 1; c <= nr_cases; c++) {
    char s[length_max + 1];
    int n;
    scanf("%s %d", s, &n);
    printf("Case %d: ", c);
    char half_palindrome[length_max / 2 + 1], palindrome[length_max + 1];
    int half_palindrome_letters[nr_letters];
      // half_palindrome_letters[i] is the number of occurrences of 
      // letter ('a' + i) in the half_palindrome
    memset(half_palindrome_letters, 0, sizeof(half_palindrome_letters));
    int half_palindrome_length =
      get_half_palindrome(s, half_palindrome_letters, half_palindrome);
    int palindrome_length = (half_palindrome_length > 0) ?
      get_n_th_palindrome(n, strlen(s),
        half_palindrome_length, half_palindrome_letters,
        half_palindrome, palindrome) : -1;
    printf("%s\n", ((palindrome_length > 0) ? palindrome : "XXX"));
  return 0;

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