Run Time: 0.053
Ranking (as of 2016-03-08): 3 out of 141
Language: C++
/* UVa 330 - Inventory Maintenance To build using Visual Studio 2012: cl -EHsc -O2 UVa_330_Inventory_Maintenance.cpp */ #include <string> #include <map> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> using namespace std; const int nr_chars_max = 15, nr_items_max = 200; struct item_name { char name_[nr_chars_max + 1]; bool operator<(const item_name& itn) const {return strcmp(name_, itn.name_) < 0;} bool operator==(const item_name& itn) const {return !strcmp(name_, itn.name_);} }; struct item { bool deleted_; double cost_, price_; int in_stock_; }; int main() { map<item_name, item> items; char activity[nr_chars_max + 1]; item_name itn; int quantity; double profit = 0.0; while (scanf("%s", activity) != EOF && activity[0] != '*') { switch (activity[0]) { case 'n': { item it; scanf("%s %lf %lf", itn.name_, &it.cost_, &it.price_); it.deleted_ = false, it.in_stock_ = 0; items[itn] = it; } break; case 'b': scanf("%s %d", itn.name_, &quantity); items[itn].in_stock_ += quantity; break; case 's': { scanf("%s %d", itn.name_, &quantity); item& it = items[itn]; it.in_stock_ -= quantity; profit += (it.price_ - it.cost_) * quantity; } break; case 'd': { scanf("%s", itn.name_); item& it = items[itn]; it.deleted_ = true; profit -= it.cost_ * it.in_stock_; it.in_stock_ = 0; } break; default: // report double total = 0.0; puts(" INVENTORY REPORT"); puts("Item Name Buy At Sell At On Hand Value"); puts("--------- ------ ------- ------- -----"); for (map<item_name, item>::const_iterator ii = items.begin(), ie = items.end(); ii != ie; ++ii) { const item& it = ii->second; if (!it.deleted_) { double value = it.cost_ * it.in_stock_; printf("%-10s %9.2lf %12.2lf %12d %12.2lf\n", ii->first.name_, it.cost_, it.price_, it.in_stock_, value); total += value; } } puts("------------------------"); printf("Total value of inventory %12.2lf\n", total); printf("Profit since last report %12.2lf\n\n", profit); profit = 0.0; break; } } return 0; }
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