Run Time: 0.000
Ranking (as of 2016-11-23): 106 out of 395
Language: C++
Applied dynamic programming.
The number of guests that can be invited by an employee is calculated recursively
either by inviting their immediate subordinates
or by inviting the subordinates of each of their immediate subordinate.
For the latter case, the employee can attend the party too.
/* UVa 1220 - Party at Hali-Bula To build using Visual Studio 2012: cl -EHsc -O2 UVa_1220_Party_at_Hali-Bula.cpp */ #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <map> using namespace std; const int n_max = 200; map<string, int> employees; vector<int> subordinates[n_max]; int nr_guests[n_max]; // nr_guests[i] is the number of guests that can be invited by the i-th employee bool uniques[n_max]; // uniques[i] is whether the list of guests that can be invited by the i-th employee // is unique or not int register_employee(const string& s) { pair<map<string, int>::iterator, bool> result = employees.insert(make_pair(s, static_cast<int>(employees.size()))); return result.first->second; } pair<int, bool> invite_employees(int ei) { int& nr = nr_guests[ei]; if (nr != -1) return make_pair(nr, uniques[ei]); const vector<int>& sbs = subordinates[ei]; if (sbs.empty()) return make_pair(nr = 1, uniques[ei] = true); int nr_s = 0, nr_ss = 1; bool unique_s = true, unique_ss = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < sbs.size(); i++) { pair<int, bool> result = invite_employees(sbs[i]); // invite immediate subordinates nr_s += result.first, unique_s &= result.second; const vector<int>& ssbs = subordinates[sbs[i]]; for (size_t j = 0; j < ssbs.size(); j++) { result = invite_employees(ssbs[j]); // invite subordinates of each immediate subordinate nr_ss += result.first, unique_ss &= result.second; } } if (nr_s > nr_ss) nr = nr_s, uniques[ei] = unique_s; else if (nr_s < nr_ss) nr = nr_ss, uniques[ei] = unique_ss; else nr = nr_s, uniques[ei] = false; return make_pair(nr, uniques[ei]); } int main() { while (true) { int n; cin >> n; if (!n) break; employees.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { nr_guests[i] = -1; subordinates[i].clear(); } string s, b; cin >> b; register_employee(b); for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { cin >> s >> b; int si = register_employee(s), bi = register_employee(b); subordinates[bi].push_back(si); } pair<int, bool> result = invite_employees(0); cout << result.first << ((result.second) ? " Yes\n" : " No\n"); } return 0; }
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