Thursday, November 24, 2016

UVa 12186 - Another Crisis

Accepted date: 2016-11-24
Run Time: 0.070
Ranking (as of 2016-11-24): 56 out of 403
Language: C++

Applied dynamic programming.
Caluculated the number of workers who should file a petition to a boss by choosing the necessary number of subordinates by ascending order of their workers who, in turn, should file a petition to them.
Did this calculation recursively.

  UVa 12186 - Another Crisis

  To build using Visual Studio 2012:
    cl -EHsc -O2 UVa_12186_Another_Crisis.cpp

#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

const int N_max = 100000;
int N;
double T;
vector<int> subordinates[N_max + 1];
int nr_workers[N_max + 1];
  // nr_workds[i] is the number of workers who should file a petition to i-th boss

int file_petitions(int bi)
  int& nr = nr_workers[bi];
  if (nr != -1)
    return nr;
  const vector<int>& sbs = subordinates[bi];
  if (sbs.empty())
    return nr = 1;
  vector<int> nrs;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < sbs.size(); i++)
  sort(nrs.begin(), nrs.end());
  nr = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0, min_nr = static_cast<size_t>(ceil(sbs.size() * T)); i < min_nr; i++)
    nr += nrs[i];
  return nr;

int main()
  while (true) {
    scanf("%d %lf", &N, &T);
    if (!N)
    T /= 100.0;
    for (int i = 0; i <= N; i++) {
      nr_workers[i] = -1;
    for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
      int Bi;
      scanf("%d", &Bi);
    printf("%d\n", file_petitions(0));
#ifdef DEBUG
    for (int i = 0; i <= N; i++)
      printf("%d:%d%c", i, nr_workers[i], ((i < N) ? ' ' : '\n'));
  return 0;

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