Tuesday, January 15, 2013

UVa 10683 - The decadary watch

Accepted date: 2012-12-11
Ranking (as of 2013-01-15): 127
Language: C++

  UVa 10683 - The decadary watch

  To build using Visual Studio 2008:
    cl -EHsc -O2 UVa_10683_The_decadary_watch.cpp

#include <cstdio>

int main()
  const int nr_time_units = 4;
  const int t_time_units[nr_time_units] = {24, 60, 60, 100};
  const int t_time_chars = 8;
  char t_time[t_time_chars + 1];
  while (scanf("%s", t_time) != EOF) {
    long long t = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nr_time_units; i++) {
      t *= t_time_units[i];
      t += (t_time[i * 2] - '0') * 10 + (t_time[i * 2 + 1] - '0');
    long long t_time_divisor = 8640000, d_time_divisor = 10000000;
    printf("%07lld\n", (t * d_time_divisor) / t_time_divisor);
  return 0;

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