Ranking (as of 2013-01-14): 657
Language: C++
Used std::map to associate a term with its coefficient.
/* UVa 126 - The Errant Physicist To build using Visual Studio 2008: cl -EHsc -O2 UVa_126_The_Errant_Physicist.cpp */ #include <map> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <cctype> using namespace std; const int nr_chars_max = 80, nr_terms_max = 80; struct term { int x_exp_; // x exponent int y_exp_; // y exponent bool operator<(const term& t) const { if (x_exp_ > t.x_exp_) // descending order of x exponent return true; else if (x_exp_ < t.x_exp_) return false; else return y_exp_ < t.y_exp_; // ascending order of y exponent } }; bool add_term(map<term, int>& terms, const term& t, int coef) { pair<map<term, int>::iterator, bool> result = terms.insert(make_pair(t, coef)); if (!result.second) result.first->second += coef; return result.second; } int parse_terms(const char* s, map<term, int>& terms) { const char* p = s; term t; t.x_exp_ = t.y_exp_ = 0; int coef = 1; while (*p) { if (*p == '-' || *p == '+') { if (p > s) add_term(terms, t, coef); t.x_exp_ = t.y_exp_ = 0; coef = (*p == '-') ? -1 : 1; p++; } else if (isdigit(*p)) { char* q; int d = strtol(p, &q, 10); if (p > s) { if (*(p - 1) == 'x') t.x_exp_ = d; else if (*(p - 1) == 'y') t.y_exp_ = d; else coef *= d; } else coef = d; p = q; } else { if (*p == 'x' && !t.x_exp_) t.x_exp_ = 1; else if (*p == 'y' && !t.y_exp_) t.y_exp_ = 1; p++; } } if (p > s) add_term(terms, t, coef); return static_cast<int>(terms.size()); } #ifdef DEBUG void print_terms(const map<term, int>& terms) { bool printed = false; for (map<term, int>::const_iterator i = terms.begin(), e = terms.end(); i != e; ++i) { if (printed) putchar(' '); else printed = true; printf("%dx%dy%d", i->second, i->first.x_exp_, i->first.y_exp_); } putchar('\n'); } #endif int print_number(int n, char* p) { char* q = p; do { *q++ = (n % 10) + '0'; n /= 10; } while (n); int length = q - p; for (q--; p < q; p++, q--) swap(*p, *q); return length; } int main() { while (true) { char s[nr_chars_max + 1]; gets(s); if (s[0] == '#') break; map<term, int> one_terms, other_terms; int nr_one_terms = parse_terms(s, one_terms); gets(s); int nr_other_terms = parse_terms(s, other_terms); #ifdef DEBUG print_terms(one_terms); print_terms(other_terms); #endif map<term, int> result_terms; for (map<term, int>::const_iterator i = one_terms.begin(), ie = one_terms.end(); i != ie; ++i) for (map<term, int>::const_iterator j = other_terms.begin(), je = other_terms.end(); j != je; ++j) { term t; t.x_exp_ = i->first.x_exp_ + j->first.x_exp_; t.y_exp_ = i->first.y_exp_ + j->first.y_exp_; int coef = i->second * j->second; add_term(result_terms, t, coef); } #ifdef DEBUG print_terms(result_terms); #endif char es[nr_chars_max + 1], ts[nr_chars_max + 1]; memset(es, ' ', nr_chars_max); memset(ts, ' ', nr_chars_max); int si = 0; for (map<term, int>::const_iterator i = result_terms.begin(), ie = result_terms.end(); i != ie; ++i) { int coef = i->second; if (!coef) continue; const term& t = i->first; // print the coefficient if (si) { ts[si++] = ' '; ts[si++] = (coef < 0) ? '-' : '+'; ts[si++] = ' '; } else if (coef < 0) ts[si++] = '-'; coef = abs(coef); if (coef > 1 || !t.x_exp_ && !t.y_exp_) si += print_number(abs(coef), &ts[si]); if (t.x_exp_ || t.y_exp_) { if (t.x_exp_) { ts[si++] = 'x'; if (t.x_exp_ > 1) si += print_number(t.x_exp_, &es[si]); } if (t.y_exp_) { ts[si++] = 'y'; if (t.y_exp_ > 1) si += print_number(t.y_exp_, &es[si]); } } } es[si] = ts[si] = '\0'; puts(es); puts(ts); } return 0; }
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